Filipino Jaycees of Honolulu
The Filipino Jaycees of Honolulu is a not-for-profit organization of young professionals with the mission to perpetuate the local Filipino heritage and provide development opportunities that empower young active citizens to create positive change.
Our History
The FJCH legacy can be traced back to 1969 when Geminiano “Toy” Arre, Jr. made history by becoming the first president of non-Japanese descent to lead the Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce. During Toy’s tenure, he led the effort with Ernest Mina to form the first Filipino-themed JCI chapter in Hawaii with Ed Hasegawa (ironically of Japanese descent) as its first president: the Bayanihan Jaycees.
Today, the Filipino Jaycees of Honolulu is the Hawaii community’s premier young professional organization that develops and empowers leaders for the future, while remembering the Filipino roots that precede it.